About Us

Archbishop Charles Heerey College of Health Sciences and Technology, Nkpor


Welcome to Archbishop Charles Heerey College of Health Sciences and Technology, Nkpor

About Achcohsten

Archbishop Charles Heerey College of Health Sciences and Technology, Nkpor is the success story of School of Medical Laboratory Technicians Nkpor (SOMLAN). From a modest beginning in 2007, SOMLAN’s success in Medical Laboratory Council examinations over the years triggered a new idea to expend the scope of the school to accommodate different interest groups that come seeking a place of learning in the School. This necessitated development of new course ideas in the area of health sciences to align with the training of Medical Laboratory Technicians. Thus new courses were introduced which meant upgrading the School from a monotechnics to a polytechnic..


Mission, Vision & Philosophy


To be among leading knowledge-based learning institutions in Africa where arts and sciences education and learning amalgamate in a technology and investment hub for advancement and betterment of life for mankind..


To recreate tertiary education concept in Africa through the application of flexible and adaptable interface of research, education and industry that will take technology and investment to the next level in Africa.


In keeping with our vision and mission, Archbishop Charles Heerey College of Health Sciences and Technology provides a learning environment where all options are possible and viable. This means that innovation is a key driver at ACHCOHSTEN and that there is always a good outcome in every idea. Therefore no idea is trivial or worthless. What we do at ACHCOHSTEN is to refine an idea to bring out the gold in it rather stifle ideas for lack of focus and refinery. To this end, we collaborate and partner with our graduates who have ideas to ignite and we kindle such ideas to flame. In the same vein we collaborate and partner with researchers, and research institutions and organizations around the world, investors, developers, industry, and sponsors to drive research, education, learning, and creation of viable outcomes of investment windows. We are innovation driven and geared towards research and technology development with our mindset on possible investment outcomes therefrom. This means that we value research and development and place a great premium on ideas generation and innovation that does not end in the laboratory or the workshop – they must end in the investment window! An innovation is worthwhile if it ends up in satisfying a human need. This is what we do in ACHCOHSTEN.


Achcohsten Anthem

Neath the broad expanse of Nigeria's sky,

Stands a School with a vision bright,

Ever holding the banner of knowledge high,

We'll go forward by wisdom's might.

All hail to thee, Alma Mater

We have come from near and far

To unite in Calabar.

May Our quest for Knowledge in every field,

Have its purpose to serve mankind.

With the fervent hope that our efforts yield

Fruit for all who will come behind.

Mighty God, from whom all knowledge comes

Let thy wisdom us o'er flow;

May the knowledge gained in our campus here

Guide our steps as we onward go.

Our Programmes


Diploma Courses

There are many diplomas courses offered in our College, There are full-time Courses.


Research and Entreprenuership

We offer a broad range of taught Research Pregram and Entreprenuership.



Get more than a Certificate at Archbishop Charles Heerey College of Health Sciences and Technology, Nkpor with courses that offer quality teaching, built-in work placements and great opportunities.


Professional Courses

Archbishop Charles Heerey College of Health Sciences and Technology, Nkpor wish to be offering a range of short courses which lead to a Certificate of Completion from the Institution.